Surrender. Rest. Peace. Letting go. But if the Bible says that the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, then how can you surrender to God?
What shall we say then? Are we to remain in sin so that grace may increase? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it? (Romans_6:1—NET)
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind (Luke_10:27)
Thousands of books have been written on the topic of serving God. Those who seem to be doing something in some ministries believe that they're serving God...
And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words (Matthew 6:7)...
Grace can be just a word to fill a part of a theology, or it can be something so precious that most are blind to it until when the eyes are opened to its wondrous life transforming power...
Missing God's Grace. Falling From Grace. Is your Christianity like walking a tightrope? Do you have peace with God?
Romans 8:17 — What does it mean to suffer with Christ? STRONGS's definition: Suffering—συμπάσχω = to endure with Christ in exactly the same manner. Do you meet all the requirements?
Deliberate sin. Is it about sins in general, or a specific sin that that has eternal implication?
Grace gives you a license to sin, or enables you to serve God?
Mortify the deeds of the flesh. Does this mean never sinning anymore? Why try to put to death what is already dead and buried with Christ (Romans 6:4)?
Parable of the Ambassador. Message of reconciliation.
Do you lose your salvation if you grieve the Holy Spirit?
Are There degrees of rewards in heaven?
A proper understanding of this parable will relieve the believers of the confusion of which type of soil they belong to. Conventional interpretation of this parable leaves many to wonder if they're saved at all, let alone being fruitful (Matthew 13:1-23).
This parable is not about money, but it is a mockery of those who think they can buy God's kingdom with their wealth. (Luke 16:1-8).
The purpose of this parable is not to provide instructions on attaining salvation, but rather to illustrate why salvation can only be achieved through faith in Christ.
This parable is about the ushering in of a new era: the new covenant between God and Man. (Luke 16:1-8).