What exactly is this sin?
What is true spiritual blindness?
Verse-by-verse study of Philippians 3:1-16
Verse-by-verse study of Colossians
What is God resting from? Many think that he rests from the 6-day labor of creation. Nothing is further from the truth as God cannot be tired. He does everything with a purpose. All things He did before Christ were shadows of things to come after him. Though he started with the rest from the work of creating man, he ended with the rest from the work of saving them. This rest began after Jesus uttered his last words on the cross: “It is finished.” It is this second rest that he wants you to enter with him, but you must first understand the meaning of this rest.
Luke started out prefacing this parable with an assumption that Jesus told it in order to encourage us to pray always. My understanding is Jesus was teaching us an entirely different thing.
Have you heard a sermon based on the Bible quote “many live as enemies of the cross of Christ”? What comes immediately to your mind as you contemplate its meaning? I’m almost certain most Christians got it wrong.
In Luke 14 Jesus stated that a tower builder, or a king heading toward a battle, must calculate their chance for success. Yet few who embark on the journey to God's kingdom ever pay heed to Jesus' demand for perfection as a prerequisite.
Is the path narrow because of the difficulty or sacrifice it asks of its followers? Or it is only so because of the very narrowness of its definition? (Phải chăng đường hẹp vì những khó khăn và hy sinh mà người theo phải chịu? Hoặc chỉ là hẹp về định nghĩa của nó?)
Christians are often taught to look to Jesus as an ideal role model to follow in his footsteps, to grow more like him. Do key Scriptural precepts suggest this is how Christians are to live out their faith? Let's find out.
A popular call to backsliding believers to wake up from their slumber and bear fruit for Christ. Is the call a one time transition from death to life, or a never-ending struggle to maintain an acceptable state of wakefulness, and fruitfulness?
You must have heard people refer to themselves as born-again Christians, but what does it really mean to be born again?
A well known Bible expositor wrote a book, whose title is borrowed for this article, to help believers prepare themselves against the day of Christ's return. This article proposes a more certain, and Scripture-based, way to be ready for that day.
Few Christians know that there is an old covenant and there is a new one, but even fewer really know why there are two, and know enough of their differences to experience a transformation by the renewing of their mind, a paradigm shift in how they relate to their God.
The title of a popular Christian song that expresses the desire for change in a believer's heart. This crying out from deep within of large majority of believers is emblematic of their understanding of the gospel. How do they expect their hearts to be changed? This article will show where the real issues are and a real and realizable answer to a yearning, a thirst that should have been quenched by the water of l.
Most people ponder the question “What must I do to inherit the kingdom of God?” Case in point is it is the same question the rich young ruler asked Jesus in Matthew 19:16. It's a good question, but the answer is not what most folks are looking for.
Philippians 2:12 says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”, and Christians roll up their sleeves to get busy. And more than just getting busy, they do it with fear and trembling, too. This article will show that traditional interpretations of “work out” and “fear and trembling” are problematic and incongruous with the rest of Scriptures.